
Breast Cancer Screenings

Your Primary Care Team’s Guide to Navigating Breast Health

You might not know this, but breast cancer makes up around 30% of new cancer cases in individuals assigned female at birth each year. And believe it or not, 1 in 8 people assigned female at birth will face breast cancer at some point. It’s a reality check, but the good news is that we’ve got the key to early detection.


Early Detection: Your Strongest Ally

When breast cancer is caught early and it’s confined to one spot, the survival rate rockets to 99%, as per the American Cancer Society. That’s a statistic that speaks volumes about the importance of acting now.


Meet the Mammogram: Simple, Yet Powerful

Let’s talk about the mammogram. It’s a straightforward chest tissue X-ray, and the whole procedure takes about 15 minutes. While discomfort may vary, it only lasts for seconds at a time and it’s a minor trade-off for the peace of mind it can offer.


Screening Guidelines: The Lowdown

For now, the guidelines say that if you’re at average risk and aged between 50 and 74, you should have a mammogram every two years. However, there’s a buzz that this might change, with discussions happening right now at the United States Preventive Services Task Force about starting at age 40 for those at average risk. Your personal risk factors, like family history and genetics, play a role too. Your healthcare provider is your partner in finding the best screening plan for you.


Real Stories, Real People: Getting a Peek

Ever wondered what happens during a mammogram? Take a look at this VIDEO where one of our team members shares her own experience. It’s a candid look at what to expect and could help put any worries to rest.


In Conclusion: We’ve Got Your Back

Remember, we’re here as your primary care team to guide you through your journey to better breast health. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider – together, we’ll make sure you’re well-informed and empowered. Your health matters, and we’re here to ensure you have the tools you need.


Frequently Asked Questions

At what age should I start getting mammograms?

According to current guidelines, women at average risk should start getting mammograms annually at age 40. However, discussions are happening on possibly changing the guidelines to start regular screenings at age 50. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors.

How often should I get a mammogram?

For women aged 50-74 at average risk, a mammogram every 2 years is the recommendation. If you have a higher risk, your doctor may suggest annual screenings.

What happens during a mammogram procedure?

During a mammogram, your breast tissue will be compressed between two plastic plates while an x-ray is taken. The whole appointment takes around 15 minutes with the compression itself lasting only a few seconds each time.

Is a mammogram painful or uncomfortable?

Some discomfort or pain can be felt during the brief compression period. However, it only lasts for a few seconds at a time. Any discomfort is minor compared to the importance of early breast cancer detection.

What determines if I am at high risk for breast cancer?

Factors like family history of breast or ovarian cancer, genetic mutations in BRCA genes, previous cancer diagnosis, and previous radiation treatment to the chest area before age 30 increase risk. Talk to your doctor.

If I have a family history of breast cancer, what screening guidelines should I follow?

If you have a first-degree female relative with breast cancer, you may need to start screenings earlier and more regularly. Have a thorough discussion with your healthcare provider about your family history and personalized screening plan.