
We’re here for you

Breaking down the barriers to accessible, affordable, high-quality healthcare everyone deserves.

Member Support

If you need care or want to talk to your care team, go here.
You will be asked to sign in.

If you want to activate your Crossover membership, go here.
You can set up your account.

If you are an Amazon employee or dependent and would like to contact your Neighborhood Health Center,
please call
1-888-854-1397 or go here.

If you have purchased an individual membership you can sign in here, or call us for assistance at 866-271-3589.

If you need help to sign in to your account, go here to select the ‘forgot password’ link.

If you need other assistance from a Crossover representative, email us.

If you want to see our Frequently Asked Questions, go here. 

Contact by Location

Crossover Corporate Headquarters

101 W Avenida Vista Hermosa #120,
San Clemente, CA 92672
(949) 891-0328

Health Centers

(on-campus locations are not listed)
Location Number
Austin, TX (866) 271-3589
Amazon Neighborhood Health Centers (888) 854-1397
Mountain View, CA (650) 772-6131
San Francisco, CA (415) 963-0573
Santa Clara, CA (408) 708-0204
New York, NY (Midtown & Flatiron locations) (866) 271-3589
Seattle, WA (Bellevue & Westlake locations) (866) 271-3589
Las Colinas, TX (469) 351-6136
Spring, TX (346) 275-1600



If you want to join our team or know what it’s like to work at Crossover, go here

To verify employment, we have partnered with from Equifax to provide automated employment and income verifications online 24 hours a day. Crossover’s employer code is 28708.

Business Partners



Crossover Business Partners

If you are interested in Crossover for your employees, go here

If you are a Broker and want to learn more about Crossover, go here

If you are a Health Plan Provider and want to learn more about Crossover, go here

If you are a vendor or service and would like to get in touch with a Crossover representative, email us


Media Inquiries

If you want to visit our Newsroom or view our Media Resources, go here

If you want to get in touch with our Communications team, email us.